Grain Tester – Calibration / Support / Service

Whether your equipment needs repair or just regular maintenance and calibration, we’re here for you!

When is the last time your grain tester was calibrated?

Right now is a great time for preventative maintenance and calibration of your grain tester!

Phone Support

Give us a call.
Sometimes that’s all it takes.

We have 21 years experience supporting grain testers from DICKEY-john and Perten. We’ll be more than happy to diagnose and solve any issues over the phone if possible. We think it’s just the right thing to do.

If we can’t help you fix it over the phone, we’ll make a plan to get you back up and running as soon as possible.

Calibration Updates

Check with us before harvest to make sure your moisture meter or NIR Analyzer has the latest software and calibration updates.

USDA/GIPSA reviews and updates the UGMA Moisture Meter calibrations as needed every May 1st and August 1st.

Aside from actual calibration of your meter, these updates are the minimum that your moisture meter needs to stay in line with industry standards.

We’ll make the task of updating your meter simple.


There is more to calibrating your tester than installing new calibrations. These are precision instruments that need inspected, maintained and adjusted periodically. We can take care of this and the updates for you. This small detail can prevent costly breakdowns, increase accuracy and make a large financial impact to your bottom line.

You can be confident that all grain testers serviced by Scott Ag Solutions will be thoroughly cleaned, inspected, maintained and calibrated to meet Scott Ag Solutions Tolerances. Our tolerances for the commercial grain trade are tighter than those required by the mfg, NIST Handbook 44, NTEP (National Type Evaluation Program), and FGIS (Federal Grain Inspection Service)


If you don’t have a spare tester to use while we service yours, let us know. We have a number of loaners available and will do our best to keep you up and running.

Perten AM5200-A Support

Calibration Updates

If your Perten AM5200-A shows “Your service date has been reached” this is a helpful reminder that your meter does not have the latest USDA/GIPSA UGMA calibration updates installed. You can still use your AM5200-A by simply closing the message. See our instructions below for some free and simple options to update your meter.

If you do not prefer to download the free update below, or your company policy or firewall prevents downloading the update, you can call us at 877-856-0060 to order a USB thumbdrive with the file already loaded. We’ll send it with the instructions already printed so you can get right to it. A great option for those not wanting to download. This thumb drive can be used for multiple AM5200-A units within your company as long as they have the current software. We can even schedule to have these arrive at your site before the Bi-Annual calibration due dates.

Download Calibration Update – FREE

All you need is a USB thumb-drive and your computer.

*** WARNING ***

The calibration update below is only for the AM5200-A model and only for those in the United States. Do NOT use this calibration update for the AM5200-FARM model or for AM5200-A units outside the U.S.

STEP 1: Download and print the instructions.

STEP 2: Click on the “CALIBRATION UPDATE FILE” and follow the instructions



PRE SEASON specials for grain tester services!!!

Truck Probe Service

Does your truck probe need help? We service those too!